The 27th IAPTC Annual Conf was held at Nairobi, Kenya. The event was officially inaugurated on Nov 6, 2023, by Dr. William Samoei Ruto, the President of the Republic of Kenya and Commander in Chief of the Kenyan Def Forces. The Theme of the Conference is ‘Leveraging Partnerships in Trg for Complex Peace Ops Envts’. Representatives from 68 countries across mi, police, and civ sectors actively participated in the annual conf, with a total delegate count of 282. The Opening Ceremony commenced with a welcome speech by Brig Joyce C Sitienei, the Dir of the Intl Peace Sp Trg Centre (IPSTC). Maj Gen Md Nasim Parvez, ndc, afwc, psc the President of IAPTC, stressed the organization's crucial role in addressing peacekeeping needs and highlighted the conf theme of collaboration for complex peace ops, emphasizing the imp of innovation.
The President, in his opening remarks, expressed gratitude and welcomed attendees to the Annual General Meeting (AGM). He encouraged a comprehensive disc on expanding the association's scope, noting the evolving geopolitical landscape's impact on peacekeepers. The President also highlighted the inclusion of observer countries in executive meetings, citing examples such as Nepal and Japan. Fol this, Ms. Seba, in the Secretary's Report, outlined the secretariat's activities, incl website updates, theme planning, and engagement with the IPTSC community. Mr. Jonas, in the CDC Report, disc ongoing dev in info req, website content, and outreach efforts. During the disc on the conf and the way fwd, members proposed deeper engt on ldrship and trg topics and sug dedicating specific days for each Peacekeeping Trg Center (PTC) to present their work. Concerns were raised about the tightly packed schedule, emphasizing the need for more rest. Members also proposed mechanisms to carry conf disc to decision-making bodies like the UN. The focus then shifted to sug for the theme of 2024 IAPTC Annual Conf. Col Salehin from BIPSOT proposed themes on Global coop for smart peacekeeping and Future peacekeeping. Other proposed themes incl Protection of Civ. The continuation of the current Func Committee Chairs for 2024-2026 was disc, with further details slated for the next year. Regarding the hosts for upcoming years, Slovenia and Pakistan expressed interest in hosting the 2024 conf, with Slovenia given a deadline for confirmation. Nepal expressed interest in hosting in 2025, while Japan and Bangladesh applied for hosting in 2026 and 2027, respectively.
In his outgoing president's speech, Maj Gen Md Nasim Pervez, ndc, afwc, psc ack the diverse array of topics disc during the Annual General Meeting (AGM), highlighting the dynamic nature of peacekeeping ops. He praised the exemplary work of Dir Brig Joyce in ensuring the conf success. The handover of the presidency was symbolized through a flag parade. The new president, Brig Joyce, expressed gratitude to the outgoing executive team and thanked the Kenyan govt and partner stakeholders for hosting the conf. The conf offered various engaging highlights, incl cultural prog, dinners, and commemorations of the United Nations' 75th anniversary. Additionally, delegates had the opportunity to embark on safari park visit, providing a unique blend of leisure and educational experiences. The celebration of the United Nations' milestone added a significant global perspective to the proceedings.
