To impart specialized multifaceted training to national and multinational military, police and civilian participants on peace operations in accordance with current international standards through research, education and professional programmes.


To promote global peace and security as an international Centre of Excellence.


Training of Trainers on Protection of Civilian-5 From 09 Apr to 13 April 2017

The purpose of this joining instruction is to provide pre-arrival information to you or a member of your organization who has been selected to attend the training being conducted at this institute. These joining instructions will provide the pertinent information to enable the delivery of the training in the most efficient way, and should make your stay comfortable, coupled with a highly professional learning environment.

Joining Instruction of POC-5.doc


United Nation Logistic Officers’ Course (UNLOC)-12 from 31 July to 18 Aug 2016

United Nation Logistic Officers’ Course (UNLOC) is an important course for the Logistic Officers of Contingent and for the Logistic Staff Officers (SO’s) of Sector Headquarters (SHQs) and Force Headquarters (FHQs). The training curriculum enhances the knowledge and working capacity of each participant within United Nations (UN) Logistic functioning and structure. The acquired knowledge will allow them to work within multi-dimensional and multi-national environment following UN logistic rules and procedures. BIPSOT has been modifying the Module on UNLOC and conducting training considering the future needs of Peacekeeping Operations (PKO). The course is designed in a blending format in which both e-learning and in house (Face to Face) classes will be conducted for the participants as follows:

a. Phase 1. E-learning through BIPSOT website at www.bipsot.net. from 31 July to 04 August 2016 for one (01) week.

b. Phase 2. In house (Face to Face) classes will be conducted at BIPSOT from 07 August to 18 August 2016 for two (02) weeks.

Joining Instruction of UNLOC-12

Frd Ltr UNLOC-12

Gen Instr UNLOC-12 Online Ph

Trg Prog UNLOC-12


Conflict Related Sexual Violence (CRSV) Course -2 from 20 to 24 Aug 2017

Bangladesh Institute of Peace Support Operation Training (BIPSOT) will conduct Conflict Related Sexual Violence (CRSV) Course -2 from 20 Aug to 24 Aug 2017. Total 31 participants from Bangladesh Armed Forces, Bangladesh Police, Different Ministries, Universities and Overseas are expected to join the course.


Joining Instruction of CRSV-2


IHL Course-1/2016’ from 20 - 24 November 2016

‘Training of Trainers (ToT) on International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Course-1/2016’ conducted at BIPSOT from 20-24 November 2016. The course jointly organized by BIPSOT and International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Dhaka.

Aim of the Course. To teach the important aspects of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) focusing at the issues that are related to armed conflicts, Protection of Civilian (POC), internal security and activities that would possibly be encountered during United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (UN PKO).

Joining Instruction of IHL Course-1.doc


International Humanitarian Law (IHL)-2

Training of Trainers’ (ToT) Course on International Humanitarian Law (IHL)-2/2014’ conducted at BIPSOT from 12-16 Oct 2014.

 Joining Instruction of IHL-2