To impart specialized multifaceted training to national and multinational military, police and civilian participants on peace operations in accordance with current international standards through research, education and professional programmes.


To promote global peace and security as an international Centre of Excellence.


Joining Information

Women, Peace and Security Course (WPSC)-11 Duration: 08-12 Sept 2024


Course Information

Aim of the Course. To promote a better understanding on the United Nations'
policies, guidelines and principles of Women, Peace and Security.


The key objectives of the course are as follows:

  1.  Learn UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 (2000) and other related resolutions and implications.
  2.  Explore the important concepts on gender issues.
  3.  Understand four pillars of WPS, i.e. Prevention, Protection, Participation and Relief & Recovery.
  4.  Understand the conceptual and operational issues involved in integrating a gender perspective into multidimensional PO.
  5.  Apply theoretical knowledge in understanding WPS through various learning activities.