Joining Information
United Nations Logistics Officers’ Course (UNLOG)-25 Duration: 18 – 29 Aug 2024
Course Information
To prepare officers to undertake assignments as Logistic Staff Officers in on-going and future UN Peacekeeping Operations.
The course deals explicitly with UN logistics procedures & challenges in field operations including national preparations for deployment to such operations. The course will meet current standards of performance established by the UN and include best practices from training being conducted by other peacekeeping nations. Considering the responsibility of a logistician at tactical & operational level working in the mission area the key objectives of the course are:
a. Orient the participants with the UN and mission structure, UN logistics management including responsibilities of UN HQs, Mission HQs and TCC.
b. Familiarize the participants on the operational and logistic principles and procedures in UN peace operation (UNPO).
c. Make participants familiarized with various UN inspections, COE system, reimbursement policy, liaison and negotiation.
d. Prepare participants to understand cooperation within the HQ staffs, and between the military logistics staff and UN civilian logistics staffs.
e. Develop adequate knowledge among participants on UN Logistics, UN Supply, and UN Movement Control Systems to perform as logistic officers in contingent and logistic staffs at different levels in UNPO.
f. Be able to analyze & address logistic issues related to Protection of Civilian, Women, Peace & Security, Human Rights etc in multidimensional peace operations.