EX TIGER LIGHTNING (TL)-2024 Duration: 21-30 April 2024 (02 Weeks)
Ex Tiger Lightning is a USARPAC bi-lateral ‘Theatre Support Campaign Program’ with BD Army. 1st & 2nd Ex Tiger Lightning were held in the USA in 2017 and 2021 respectively and 3rd & 4th Ex TL were held in BIPSOT in 2022 and 2023 respectively
Aim: To exchange TTPs and to enhance inter-operability between BD and US Army in regards to UN Peace Operations
- Improvement bilateral readiness, cooperation and inter-operation
- Exchange knowledge & development staff planning proficiency of US and BD Staff Officers as a two Battalion Headquarters during peace operations.
- Exercise Mission Command of a combine Battalion Headquarters by leveraging technical in a UN Peace Operations environment
- Exchange staff and organize
- TTPs Conduct deliberate planning, improvement cultural understanding, promote professional relationships & senior leader engagement
- USARPAC bi-lateral ‘Theatre Support Campaign Program’ with BD Army